Sleep disorders refer to conditions that disturb normal sleep pattern. They may range from insomnia to parasomnia to hypersomnia. Symptoms of sleep disorders include:
A. Difficulty in falling asleep
B. Frequent interruption at night and trouble falling back to sleep
C. Early morning awakening
D. Feeling too sleepy throughout the day and falling asleep at wrong times
E. Frequent nightmares
F. Jerking of arms and legs during sleep
G. Feeling of tingling or crawling sensation in the limbs which gets relieved by constant moving or massaging of the concerned limb.
Various factors can contribute to sleep problems: medical illness, pre-existing Psychiatric disorder, caffeine ( tea, coffee or any other caffeinated drinks) intake in evening, excessive use of gadgets, night shift, irregular sleep cycle.
Poor sleep quality may lead to physical and mental health problems along with hampering of daily functioning.
If you or your loved ones are suffering from any such problems, visit us for further query and treatment.
We, at happy mind clinic, are here to provide the best treatment for your sleep problems.